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The Consequences of Japa: Exploring the Impact of Relocation

While pursuing greener pastures is understandable, it's essential to acknowledge the profound consequences that "Japa" has on various aspects of our lives.
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Consequences of Japa
Consequences of Japa

Introduction: The Consequences of Japa

The term “Japa” has gained significant popularity, particularly among Nigerians, referring to running away or fleeing. However, the concept of “Japa” goes beyond simple escapism, as it involves relocating individuals from Nigeria to other countries, typically ones considered more developed or offering better opportunities. From 2015 until now, the number of Nigerians relocating from Nigeria has multiplied by almost ten times.

This massive exodus of the people of Nigeria is largely due to the hunt for better living conditions and a saner climate. While pursuing greener pastures is understandable, it’s essential to acknowledge the profound consequences that “Japa” has on various aspects of our lives. In this blog post, we will delve into the repercussions of this trend.

The Consequences of Japa

1. Grandparents and Distant Bonds

In Nigeria, it is customary for grandparents to maintain close relationships with their grandchildren, even if they live in different states. However, with the rise of “Japa,” this connection is being severed. As children move away to foreign countries, grandparents are left behind, often living alone or with unfamiliar faces. This leads to missed opportunities for familial bonding, and heart-wrenching stories of grandparents passing away without meeting their own grandchildren.

A Nigerian Twitter user who lives in Canada once lamented about how his mother passed on only recently just when he was planning on taking his children to meet and know her in Nigeria. He had relocated to Canada in search of greener pastures immediately after he got married. After having 2 lovely kids, the hustle and bustle of life kept him from coming back home to Nigeria to visit his parents and let them meet their grandchildren.

Just when he started making plans to travel, his dear mother passed away without meeting his children—her grandchildren. Many Nigerians with similar stories commented on his tweet, sharing their experiences. That sad Twitter thread is a revelation of the fate that has befallen many of the elderly in Nigeria.

2. Vulnerability and Loss of Strength

The departure of young individuals in search of better prospects leaves older generations vulnerable and exposed. The youth, who are typically seen as the strength of any population, are essential for safeguarding communities and nations. However, their absence weakens the defense mechanisms and exposes the elderly to various forms of exploitation.

3. Increased Crime Rates

The departure of capable individuals contributes to an increase in crime rates within the country. With fewer people available to maintain law and order, communities become more susceptible to criminal activities. This places a burden on the remaining individuals, who may lack the physical strength or resources to combat such threats effectively.

4. Erosion of Cultural Identity

“Japa” not only separates people from their homeland but also erodes their cultural traditions and practices. If the people who relocate are able to stay in touch with their culture and traditions even in a strange land, we may not be able to say the same about their children who are born in the new land and will most likely adopt the culture and traditions of their new home.

Simply put, while some may strive to preserve their heritage while abroad, subsequent generations born in foreign lands often adopt the culture of their new home. This dilution weakens the richness and beauty of the traditions and cultures that define the different cultures existing within Nigeria.

The Consequences of Japa


5. Brain Drain and Skill Depletion

The mass exodus caused by “Japa” results in a brain drain, particularly affecting skilled professionals in sectors such as medicine and technology. Especially from 2020 to 2023, medical doctors and people in tech, popularly called “tech bros,”

Highly talented individuals, including doctors and tech experts, seek opportunities abroad due to a lack of adequate recognition and compensation in their home country. This drain of intellectual capital severely impacts the Nigerian healthcare system, technology industry, and other sectors, hindering overall development.

In April 2023, the Nigerian Senate made a move to stop the migration of Nigerian-trained doctors. The lawmakers were proposing five years of mandatory service by Nigerian-trained medical doctors before they are given full practicing licenses. This is because of the ridiculous number of medical doctors migrating out of the country on a daily basis.

Many of the mobile applications for Nigerian banks have been malfunctioning and are still not responding properly because most of their intelligent tech staff have relocated to countries where they will be compensated more.

This brain drain is doubtlessly one of the most severe consequences of japa.

6. Disintegration of Family Bonds

The geographical distance created by “Japa” hampers family connections and relationships. Siblings and extended family members, spread across different countries, find it challenging to spend time together and maintain close ties. The cherished experiences of cousins visiting each other or spending weekends together have become increasingly rare, ultimately affecting the sense of family and belonging. In a case where a brother is in Canada, a sister is in the US, and their other sibling is in China, a family visit consisting of everyone will be difficult, if not impossible. Their children may not know each other well enough to feel like family (cousins).


While the allure of better opportunities abroad is understandable, we must reflect on the profound consequences of “Japa” on our lives and society. The loss of familial bonds, cultural erosion, brain drain, and vulnerability of the elderly are critical issues that deserve our attention. Striking a balance between personal aspirations and the preservation of valuable connections and cultural heritage is a challenge we must collectively address.

What are your thoughts on japa and its consequences?

Frequently asked Questions

1. What does “Japa” mean in the context of this article?

“Japa” refers to the act of individuals leaving Nigeria for other countries, often considered more developed, in search of better living conditions and opportunities.

2. Why has the number of Nigerians relocating increased significantly from 2015 to now?

The search for better living conditions and opportunities abroad is what is primarily driving the increase in relocation.

3. How does “Japa” affect the bond between grandparents and their grandchildren?

“Japa” often severs the connection between grandparents and their grandchildren when children move abroad. This results in missed opportunities for familial bonding, and sometimes even the passing of grandparents without meeting their own grandchildren.

4. What are the consequences of youth leaving for better prospects, leaving older generations vulnerable?

The absence of youth, often seen as the strength of any population, weakens the defense mechanisms of communities and exposes the elderly to various forms of exploitation.

5. How does the departure of young individuals contribute to increased crime rates in Nigeria?

With fewer people available to maintain law and order, communities become more susceptible to criminal activities, which places a burden on the remaining individuals who may lack the physical strength or resources to combat these threats effectively.

6. How does “Japa” lead to the erosion of cultural identity?

“Japa” separates individuals from their homeland and often leads to a dilution of cultural traditions and practices, particularly among subsequent generations born in foreign lands.

7. What is the impact of “Japa” on brain drain, and which professions are particularly affected?

“Japa” results in a brain drain, severely affecting skilled professionals in sectors such as medicine and technology. In recent years, medical doctors and tech experts have been significantly affected.

8. How does the migration of medical doctors impact the healthcare system in Nigeria?

The migration of medical doctors has a detrimental effect on the Nigerian healthcare system, leading to a shortage of qualified professionals and impacting the quality of healthcare.

9. How has the departure of tech experts in Nigeria affected the technology industry?

Many tech experts have relocated, leading to a shortage of skilled personnel and impacting the functionality of mobile applications for Nigerian banks and other tech-related services.

10. How does “Japa” affect family bonds and relationships?

The difficulty of spending time together for siblings and other family members who reside in different countries due to “Japa” reduces the sense of family and belonging.

In conclusion, “Japa” has significant consequences for various aspects of Nigerian society, including family bonds, cultural heritage, and the healthcare and technology sectors. Balancing personal aspirations with the preservation of valuable connections is a challenge that requires collective attention.

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